The #nemkönnyű is a series of portraits of young classical music talent made in the SoundCam studio.
Almost in the first moment of the project, running under the title “Fridaysession Classic”, a new, much more expressive title was found: the #nemkönnyű title was born rhyming with the video series of the light music live session called SoundCam #fridaysession .
This made it clear to anyone interested that after the click, this time they will not find themselves in the usual pop, rock, jazz or alternative music production, but in something completely different – here you have to take every single sound seriously.
We hope to have been able to produce valuable and profound portraits of young classical music talent and their chamber ensembles. The easy shooting of #nemkönnyű also brought a very positive experience to the SoundCam team: during the recordings, we met young artists with a diverse and professional approach, who showed a high degree of openness when they embarked on this adventure with us.